The Christian Life

The Greatest Commandment:

  • To ___________ the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
  • To ___________ your neighbor as yourself.

Love, as defined by the Bible, is far more than a feeling – it is a ____________________.

Ways that we love God…

Repentance: We love God as we ________________ our sins and ___________ from them.

Worship: We love God as we _____________ Him and __________________ one another.

Prayer: Talking to God just as we talk to a _____________.

Who is our neighbor, and how do we love them?

According to the Bible, even our ________________ is our neighbor.

We do the things that benefit our neighbor ________________ and _________________.

We tell others about the great news that God has loved the world and sent us a ________________.

Christians _________________ the love and forgiveness they have received. This is the natural outcome of the gift of faith.

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